VC Clean! from AdMation Install this product in the BIN directory of your copy of Visual C++. Adding VC Clean! to the Visual Workbench. Microsoft's Visual Workbench can be customized to allow you to add tools to the Tools menu on the menu bar. Once you have added VC Clean! to the Tools menu, you can invoked VC Clean! to remove the files generated during compilation of a project. Go to the Options menu item in the Virual Workbench and select the Tools menu item. Tools will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to add VC Clean!. 1. Press the Add button to create the entry for VC Clean!. From the file dialog box, find vcclean.exe, and select it. Press OK. This will place the pathname for VC Clean! into Command Line. 2. Change Menu Text to VC Clean! 3. Set Arguments as shown below. The $Proj argument provides the name of the current project to VC Clean!. $ProjDir provides the fully qualified project pathname for the current project. And $Target provides the fully qualified pathname of the file created by the project. $Target is the file created if the build is successful. $Proj $ProjDir $Target 4. Press OK to save this entry. Now when you select Tools from the Visual Workbench menu bar you will have a menu item VC Clean! on that menu. Selecting that item will run VC Clean! with the three arguments defined by you when you added VC Clean! to Tools. VC Clean! is a shareware product. Registration is $9.95 for individuals or $195.00 for an unlimited use site license. For complete details, look in the VC Clean! help file. The help file can be accessed from the Help menu in VC Clean! or from the WINHELP command by opening the vcclean.hlp file. To register, print the registration form from the VC Clean! help file, fill it out, and mail it with your check to the address given. Or send a check for $9.95 along with your name and address to AdMation P.O. Box 260613 Highlands Ranch, CO 80126-0613 You can contact AdMation on CompuServe by sending mail to our account number 70233,1364. Search WINSHARE, WINFUN, and the programming forums for other products by AdMation. Select SEARCH under the Library menu in forum and enter ADMATION in the keyword search box.